Michael Everhardt | Church Loan Specialist with Griffin Capital

Michael Everhardt

Hello I am Michael Everhardt and I am a native of Bayside (Queens) New York.  My Real Estate career has flourished over the past 34 years. My reputation is in residential listings, sales and rentals as a licensed sales person.  Besides, I have developed recognition in the commercial sales and consulting arena.  My specialty in the commercial industry is Multi-Family dwellings and Mobile Home sales.

church loan specialist

Michael Everhardt

I am currently employed as a Real Estate independent contractor for Rose and Womble Realty Company.  Besides, I am the project manager for Mersal/Parkview Investment Group LLC.  I am working with Mersal/Parkview Investment Group LLC on developing its newest venture Mersal/Parkview Investment Group LLC (M.P.V.).  M.P.V in conjunction with Portsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority is attempting to create a 16 lot residential community in the historical Parkview neighborhood of Portsmouth, Virginia.

In addition to the many endeavors I hold, I have also been contracted by Griffin Church Loans as their church loan specialist (CLS). My primary duty as church loan specialist is to offer new and existing faith-based institutions an opportunity to obtain financing when all other avenues have been exhausted.

Especially relevant, Griffin Church Loans intends to lend over One Billion ($1,000,000,000) Dollars to institutions throughout the country when other lenders say “NO!”  and, I am their loan specialist in the DC, MD, and VA area.  The Griffin Family Funding family believes and will “tell them honestly, charge then fairly, and close them quickly.”

Should you need assistance with your Real Estate and church lending needs do not hesitate to contact me and visit our website below.


Michael Everhardt | Church Loan Specialist
Newport News, VA
Phone: 252-336-6020