Bishop Steven L Thompson | Church Loan Specialist

Bishop Steven L. Thompson, D.D.

Greetings, I’m Bishop Steven L Thompson. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, JoAnn, since December 21, 1988. To our family union was born 4 children, Jesse, Stephen (Steffen), Jasmine & Serena Thompson.

Bishop Steven L Thompson

Bishop Steven L. Thompson

I am presently the senior pastor of God’s Grace Community Church in Indianapolis, IN. In January 1993 my wife and I began our church in a small hotel room seating 20 people each Sunday for services. Today the church has grown to nearly 600 members in attendance on the far east side location of Indianapolis with a sanctuary, family life center, admin offices and more with well over 33,000 sq. ft total and nearly 13 acres of land for expansion.

I was to  graduate with an earned Doctorate of Divinity from Southern Theological Institute of Biblical Studies. I have written several published pieces, such as, magazine articles, lectures for study, scholastic materials for both undergraduate, graduate & post graduate studies. God has allowed me to publish two books, Leadership Principles to Live By and Marriage Is Like Mashed Potatoes along with several other self-help and educational materials to be released in the future.

God has allowed me to be in business since the age of 9 and presently we employ 25 people in both ministry and ministry business. I have been blessed to travel the world sharing the gospel and promoting the causes for the kingdom of God. Now, I’m excited to extend God’s mission supporting churches as pastors and leaders spread the gospel with adequate funding for their churches with Griffin Financial. Please reach out to me, so I can help you achieve what God has placed in you.


In the Master’s care,

Bishop Steven L Thompson, D.D.
Indianapolis, IN
Phone: 317-366-5434