Audrey Stovall Brown

Audrey Stovall Brown
Audrey Stovall Brown is a church loan specialist located in Orlando, Florida. She has been actively involved in church affairs for thirty years. Her dedication to the mission of the Christian church has been enhanced through her experience in church educational and administrative organizations (including Southern Union Conference administrative headquarters, Andrews University Seminary, and Oakwood University). And now, her work in helping secure church mortgages to purchase, build, buy, or refinance religious facilities has only broadened her ministry and deepened her passion to serve.
Audrey is an alumna of Northwestern University (Evanston, IL). She is dedicated to the service of the Lord and is satisfied when her efforts have enlarged the church’s capacity to perform its Christ-ordained mission, particularly as churches are enabled to better accommodate a growing church family.
Audrey would love to discuss your church financing needs. Contact her for church loans, particularly if your church is located in Central Florida or within a three-hour radius of Orlando. But if you know her and want to work through her or have been referred to her, and your church is located anywhere in the country, she is willing to serve you.