Griffin Church Loans | Blog Posts Category: Church Financing (Page 3)

Category: Church Financing

Church Refinance/ Church Mortgage

We are 6 months into 2019 and there have been no rate changes by the Federal Reserve.  In anticipation of their July meeting and rumors of a rate reduction, we are seeing a very slight drop in interest rates. Whether or not an interest rate cut comes to fruition, now is a good time to … Read More

Closing Stories at Lower Interest Rates

Interest rates have been climbing over the past year, but Griffin Church Loans is still lowering interest rates for their church loans. The result: thousands saved and churches lifted to stronger financial positions. Church Refinance- Griffin’s Stories: In Texas, we closed a church refinance for a church that had a seller held interest only loan … Read More

Church Loan Finance

2018 is starting to wind down, and we wanted to update everybody on rising interest rates. This year, interest rates have gone up 3 times, which is the original projection for the year. However, the economy is doing so well that there is now a fourth projected hike. This also illustrates that rates will continue … Read More

Refinancing Church Loan

Summer is winding down, children are going back to school, and the air is starting to get a little cooler at night. Soon, churches will be planning and finalizing their budgets for next year. It is time to make the financial decisions that took a backburner to summer. Do your church’s plans involve purchasing a … Read More

Church Building Refinance

Spring is in the air and so are church building refinances!  Churches across the country are concerned about rising interest rates. So, they are ready to refinance their loans before they balloon. Do you know what your church’s loan terms and maturity date are?  This is the time for you to double check because most lenders … Read More

Church Financing Options

Every day we receive requests from churches that have been turned down by their bank, defeated and upset and almost ready to give up.  Someone recommends the church to us and finally, light at the end of the tunnel.  Why do churches have success with us when told no by everyone else? Griffin Church Loans … Read More

Church Repair Refinancing

Churches are just like any other building they age over time. They will undoubtedly need improvements. This means injecting cash. Refinancing is vital right now because interest rates are climbing. It is wise for all churches to be proactive. They should evaluate their buildings and its future needs for the next 5 years. Sometimes these repairs … Read More

Church Qualifies for 25 Year Fixed Rate Loan | Griffin’s Success

Church qualifies for 25 year fixed rate loan after finances were carefully analyzed by Griffin Church Loans. Whether church mortgage or church purchase, Griffin Church Loans always finds the best financing options for its clients. Griffin Church Loans closed a loan for a church in Denver, Colorado that was ready to purchase a sanctuary and … Read More

Refinancing for Improvement

The reasons to refinance are on the minds of many churches right now. Refinancing can be the answer to several problems at one time. Reasons to refinance your church loan are easy to find right now. The main reason for this surge is due to climbing church loan interest rates. We have previously talked about the … Read More

Church Saves $2000 a Month with Refinance and Reduced Rate

With interest rates climbing, Griffin Church Loans is being sought out for more and more church loan refinances. Who are Good Candidates for Refinances? We are encouraging every church that holds a current mortgage with an interest rate higher than 5% or has a loan coming due in 3 years or less regardless of the … Read More