Griffin Church Loans | Blog for Latest and Related Topics (Page 6)


How to Get Your Church Loan Approved Now

In these ever-changing and uncertain times, we are working with churches to help them understand the current financial landscape and how it affects churches.  One of the most frequently asked questions relates to the keeping of church financial records and whether year to date numbers are important. The answer is simple: Churches need to be … Read More

Top 3 Reasons to Finance Loans for Religious Organizations Now

2020 is here, and we are so grateful to be looking at another year to lift churches/religious organizations and help them achieve their dreams. We make loans to religious organizations to help with their refinances, purchases, construction projects and renovations. We do not evaluate religious organizations based solely on their credit rating, and we have … Read More

Church Mortgage Rates

November is the month to be thankful for family, friends, and all the positive things in our lives. At Griffin Capital, we are grateful and so blessed to help all the churches that we do every year. To that end, the last quarter of 2020 is bringing lower church mortgage rates and competitive loan terms … Read More

Church Commercial Loan

Fall is here and so is the perfect time to take care of your church commercial loan needs for refinances, construction, purchases, and renovations. While we have been busy with the fun days of summer, interest rates have dropped. This makes it a great time to review your church commercial loan needs and start the … Read More

Private Money Loans and Griffin Capital

The economy has been stabilizing this year, and interest rates have even dropped over the past few months. While that makes it a prime time for churches to seek financing, there are many churches out there that simply won’t qualify for traditional financing. Griffin Capital does not want these churches to fall through the cracks. … Read More

Parsonage Loans

Most people hear the name Griffin Church Loans and know that we help churches across the country with refinances, purchases, renovations, and construction loans.  A lesser-known fact is that we help churches with parsonage loans. Many appreciative congregations want to provide living arrangements for their pastors. However, most churches do not have cash laying around … Read More

Quick Church Loan Closing

Griffin Church Loans has been closing loans for churches all over the country for the past 20 years.  The cornerstone of the company is to help put every church that we can in a better financial position than when they come to us. Griffin Capital specializes in church loans, so we understand the unique finances … Read More

Church Refinance/ Church Mortgage

We are 6 months into 2019 and there have been no rate changes by the Federal Reserve.  In anticipation of their July meeting and rumors of a rate reduction, we are seeing a very slight drop in interest rates. Whether or not an interest rate cut comes to fruition, now is a good time to … Read More

Closing Stories at Lower Interest Rates

Interest rates have been climbing over the past year, but Griffin Church Loans is still lowering interest rates for their church loans. The result: thousands saved and churches lifted to stronger financial positions. Church Refinance- Griffin’s Stories: In Texas, we closed a church refinance for a church that had a seller held interest only loan … Read More

Church Renovation

Just like your home, church buildings need to be maintained. Whether it is to modernize an older church or make repairs, church renovations can be costly and sometimes require financing. When a church comes to Griffin Church Loans for their church refinance, they often request a cash out for these repairs. We see many requests … Read More

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