Griffin Church Loans | Blog for Latest and Related Topics (Page 8)


Church Sanctuary Purchase

We have been busy helping churches from coast to coast purchase their first sanctuary! Buying a new sanctuary can be an exciting and scary process, especially for first time purchasers. Many churches come to us for our expertise, as we have been helping churches since 1999. We help guide every church through this big decision. … Read More

Church Loan Finance

2018 is starting to wind down, and we wanted to update everybody on rising interest rates. This year, interest rates have gone up 3 times, which is the original projection for the year. However, the economy is doing so well that there is now a fourth projected hike. This also illustrates that rates will continue … Read More

Church Mortgage Refinance

Fall is here, and we are still seeing a strong trend in refinancing church mortgages. Many churches are finishing up their fiscal year, and they are looking at their budgets for 2019. Maybe these churches want to finish the year strong, maybe they want to go into 2019 saving money, or maybe they have a … Read More

Refinancing Church Loan

Summer is winding down, children are going back to school, and the air is starting to get a little cooler at night. Soon, churches will be planning and finalizing their budgets for next year. It is time to make the financial decisions that took a backburner to summer. Do your church’s plans involve purchasing a … Read More

Consolidate Debt

With interest rates on the rise, many churches are concerned about how to save money. They want to consolidate debt and/or renovate before the next rate increase. There are churches all over the country that want to reorganize their debt. This act will save them money over the term of their loan. Griffin Church Loans … Read More

Church Renovation Lender

We are seeing a new financing trend from churches.  They are purchasing older buildings and renovating them to serve as their new home. This is the perfect time for churches to take on renovation projects before interest rates go up again.  The prediction is that interest rates will go up four times this year. Completing … Read More

Church Lender & Griffin Capital

We receive requests from churches all over the country that need to find a church lender. Griffin Church Loans’s mission is to help as many churches as we can meet their financing needs. Our church loan experts understand the intricacies of church financing, so we make the process simple and quick. Church Lender for Purchase: … Read More

Church Building Refinance

Spring is in the air and so are church building refinances!  Churches across the country are concerned about rising interest rates. So, they are ready to refinance their loans before they balloon. Do you know what your church’s loan terms and maturity date are?  This is the time for you to double check because most lenders … Read More

Mortgage Loans to Churches

Griffin Church Loans is the place to go for mortgage loans to churches. We have loan programs for churches of all sizes. We also have long-term fixed rate options as well. Furthermore, we are a nationwide company that specializes in church loans. We understand the intricacies of church budgets. Griffin Capital has successfully closed mortgage loans … Read More

Church Funding & Long Fixed Rate Terms

Not every church needs the same loan.  We know that every loan request is as unique as the church that needs financing. To that end, Griffin Church Loans has many church funding options and programs. This includes loans with long fixed rate terms. We receive church funding requests from all over the United States.We help … Read More

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