Griffin Church Loans | Blog for Latest and Related Topics (Page 4)


Church Loan Financing Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These 6 Tips

Overview When we think about loans, we think about borrowing for homes, cars, or even businesses. Church loan financing doesn’t come to mind immediately, right? For this very reason, rarely do churches and religious institutions find the proper guidance. Resultantly, they fail to acquire a loan or get stuck with one that leaves them in … Read More

5 Effective Tips to Get A Church Loan

Overview From financing church building projects that allow you to expand and house more worshippers to church refinance loans that lower the interest rate of currents loans, there are several reasons why you would want to apply for a loan for your church. But just like the Scripture’s warnings about borrowing, we caution you against … Read More

What are the Guidelines for Church Underwriting?

When deciding whether or not to give a church a loan, there are several things that a lender will look at as they make their decision, whether for a new loan or refinancing. It can be frustrating when you’re trying to run a church and do good work for your community, but financial problems are constantly nagging you. … Read More

When is the Right Time to Buy a Church Building?

Buying a church building is no small matter, and the number of things that you need to consider if you’re planning to buy or build a church are numerous. You want to do what’s right for you and your ministry, you want to wisely spend the funds that you have stewardship over, and you want … Read More

How To Shop for a Church Loan

A church loan can be a boon to any organization that wants to expand and do more for the surrounding community. From retrofitting an existing building to creating that large expansion — or even starting over and building a new, state-of-the-art structure — a church loan can enable you to do more and meet the needs of … Read More

Griffin Capital to Help Your Church Achieve Its Financial Goals

Can you believe that almost 2 months of 2021 are already behind us? So far this year most of our loan requests and closings have been for refinances and purchases. We attribute this to low-interest rates and the recovery process for churches due to COVID. That said, now is the perfect time to seek your … Read More

How to Get the Best Church Loan Rate

With interest rates at record lows across the United States, it’s tempting to look into getting a church loan right now. And it’s true: now is a great time to get a loan. There’s no doubt about that. But there are some things that you need to understand about the church loan market that may … Read More

Church Financing Tips for 2021

2020 was tough, and we hope that all of you are ready to take on 2021! While we still face a lot of uncertainty, we hope that the renewed spirit that comes with the new year will help you get ready. Here are financial tips for 2021 and how can Griffin Capital can help your … Read More

What Do You Need to Qualify for a Church Loan?

Applying for a church loan is an exciting prospect, because it means that you’re embarking on some new journey for you and your congregation. You’re increasing your ability to minister. You’re expanding your facilities to accommodate more congregants, or perhaps expanding to accommodate youth programs, or soup kitchens, or any other number of worthy practices. … Read More

Can a Church Get an SBA Loan?

Yes, churches can now (temporarily) receive Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, regardless of whether they provide secular social services. This has become more of an issue in 2020 as churches have pursued PPP loans (Paycheck Protection Program) and EIDL loans (Economic Injury Disaster Loans). Churches are eligible for both of these loan programs. This is … Read More

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